영문주소 변환 English address conversion

When making a direct purchase or writing a document to be submitted abroad, an English address is often required. You can also write in English according to pronunciation. However, it is difficult to write it accurately, and if you make a mistake, you will make the mistake of entering the wrong address. For more accurate address input, you can use an English (English) address converter to input an accurate English address. There are several sites and companies that provide an English address translation function whether you are aware of these difficulties. We can use these services by using these companies or sites. Among them, Naver English address converter is the most intuitive, easy and convenient to convert. So, in this article, I will briefly write a review on how to use Naver’s English address converter.

영문주소 변환
How to Convert English Address Naver English Address Converter 영문주소 변환

Naver English Address Converter

If you search for an English address converter on Naver, an English address search window appears. Enter the address you want to convert to English here. Both lot number and street name address (new address) can be converted. 좋은뉴스


6, Buljeong-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

I entered the address of Naver Green Factory 6, Buljeong-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do. It has been successfully converted to an English address. Now just copy and paste it. The zip code is also displayed immediately, so you do not have to search for the zip code separately.


When entering an address on an overseas site, it is usually divided into Address 1, Address 2, City, States, Zip code, etc., so it is sometimes confusing. This is because our country does not differentiate itself in this way. You just need to enter the corresponding value for each division.

6, Buljeong-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (Jeongja-dong, NAVER Green Factory)
6, Buljeong-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Address 1: 6 Buljeong-ro

Address 2: (option) ex) 205dong 1004ho (If you write the apartment address, write the number of the dong in this section.)

City: Bundang-gu Seongnam-si

States: Gyeonggi-do

Zip: 13561

Nation: Republic of Korea


When sending from overseas, only South Korea and Republic of Korea are checked and the rest are not taken care of. When entering the direct delivery address, if you remember that the person who finally looks at the address and delivers is Korean, you can get a sense of how to write the detailed address. In particular, if you are thinking about how to write down the number of apartments, you don’t need to do that at all. If it is 205-dong 1004, at least 205-1004, but I think it will be more helpful to check the address if you write it down as 205-dong 1004ho so that Korean couriers can easily recognize it.


Another English address conversion site (jusoen.com)

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