우체국 인터넷뱅킹 Post office internet banking

hello. The post office is known as a place that provides postal service or courier service. But did you know that the post office can also do simple tasks that a bank can do? You can conduct simple financial transactions or financial operations just like a regular bank.

The post office can use Internet banking for simple financial services just like general banks. With Internet banking, you can conveniently conduct financial transactions on your mobile or computer without visiting in person. Today, I will introduce how to use Post Office Internet Banking.

Before starting internet banking, you need to visit the nearest post office, open a post office account, and apply for internet banking. Please note that after that, you can obtain and use the accredited certificate.

Then, I will introduce how to get a certificate issued by the post office.

우체국 인터넷뱅킹

How to use Post Office Internet Banking

Enter ‘Post Office Deposit Insurance’ in the search bar to go to the Post Office Online Banking official website. 우체국 인터넷뱅킹

Click the ‘Post Office Deposit Insurance’ site at the top to visit the official website. 좋은뉴스

If you look at the bottom of the post office deposit website, you will see a section marked with a red square, ‘Banking User Guide’. Click on that phrase to go to the Banking User Guide.

In the middle, you can see the certificate issuance. If you do not have an accredited certificate, click the ‘Issue accredited certificate’ button to obtain an accredited certificate. If you already have a certificate from another bank, click the black button below ‘Register Third-Party Certificate’.

You can see the security program installation alarm that is commonly seen on the websites of banks. If you do not install, you will not be able to use banking, so select ‘OK’.

You have been moved to the security program installation page. You can use it only after installing the entire program, so click the ‘Install All Security Program’ button above to proceed with the installation of the security program.

After installing the security program, you will see the official authentication center page. Since we need to issue an accredited certificate, click the ‘Shortcut’ button to the right of issuance of the accredited certificate at the top.


If you already have a certificate from another bank and want to use that certificate, just click the shortcut of ‘Register a certificate from another bank’.

To use post office internet banking, you can see the terms of use according to the issuance of the accredited certificate. Check everything once and click OK with the ‘I agree’ checked.

Enter the user ID and resident registration number of the individual user and click ‘Next’ to receive a public certificate.

We will briefly introduce the functions.

Click the View Full Menu icon made up of three straight lines in the upper right corner of the homepage main page.

You can see the list of deposit products, insurance products, card products, and fund products of financial products. If you click on the products you are interested in, they are detailed on the detail page, so please check them. If you have decided on a product on the detail page, you can proceed with product registration on the detail page.

Deposit list. Simple banking tasks such as inquiry, transfer, congratulations, congratulations, and utility bills are possible. Please select the desired service from this list and use it.

You can pay and check post office insurance and related business.

Mobile Smart Banking

You can also use the post office internet banking mobile. If you search for ‘Post Office Smart Banking’ in the Google Play Store on your Android phone or the App Store on your iPhone, you can see the above application.

In mobile smart banking, you can transfer money through your account number or phone number just like on the PC website.Simple authentication is possible in the mobile application, so if you register for simple authentication, you can transfer without a password, so you can use it more conveniently.

It is very convenient because you can easily sign up for deposit products through the mobile application. Check out the deposit products on your mobile and sign up easily.

You must have had no problems using Internet banking. It is very convenient because you can conduct banking business without visiting the bank in person.


This concludes the post on how to use Post Office Internet Banking.