당근마켓 동네인증 Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification

More and more people are trading using the carrot market these days. In the case of the carrot market, the service is based on the neighborhood. There are times when you have to go to that area because you are going to the neighborhood and based on your location. Today, we are going to learn more about how to authenticate the neighborhood using this carrot market.

👇Go to Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification👇

Go to Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification

당근마켓 동네인증

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1. Go to Carrot Market Neighborhood Authentication Method 당근마켓 동네인증
2. Why is the carrot market neighborhood certified?

1. Go to Carrot Market Neighborhood Authentication Method 좋은뉴스

Let’s explain the neighborhood authentication method. First, press My Carrot shown below.

Now choose your neighborhood. You can set at least one region and up to two regions. Since you can search the current area through GPS, you can only go to that area.


In my case, since one neighborhood has already been registered, only one more can be added. Available. And now you can add a neighborhood by clicking Find by current location.

In addition, you can expand the scope of the neighborhood a little more by scrolling about the neighborhood. If you look closely at the square red box above, you can see that the scope of the scroll is only one space, then it has reached two spaces. It is also possible to narrow and widen the scope of the neighborhood in this way.


👇Go to Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification👇


Go to Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification

2. Why is the carrot market neighborhood certified?

Let’s take a look at the reasons why we need neighborhood certification for the carrot market. The description of the carrot market is as follows. As a service that can interact with our neighbors, it is said that neighborhood authentication is essential to confirm that you are a neighborhood neighbor.


In the case of neighborhood authentication, it is necessary to periodically certify the neighborhood as it expires after a certain period of time.