교보문고 영업시간 Kyobo Bookstore Hours of Operation

Check Kyobo Bookstore business hours and inventory by branch

How many of you like to read? I would like to check the business hours of Kyobo Bookstore, one of the largest bookstores in Korea. Kyobo Bookstore also has many stores, so it is convenient to visit. Check the business hours of Kyobo Bookstore nearby by branch! 교보문고 영업시간

Check Kyobo Bookstore business hours 좋은뉴스
Category Opening Closing Holidays
Gwanghwamun Branch 9:30 22:00
Lunar New Year (Same day)
Chuseok (the same day)

교보문고 영업시간

Gangnam Branch 9:30 22:00
Jamsil Branch 9:30 22:00
Daegu Branch 10:00 22:00
Yeongdeungpo Branch

10:00 to 22:00
doesn’t exist

Lunar New Year (the same day), Chuseok (the same day) 13:00 22:00
Bucheon Branch 10:00 22:00 Lunar New Year (the same day), Chuseok (the same day) and
2nd and 4th Sunday of each month
*Check the detailed date and branch page
Incheon Branch 10:00 21:30
Lunar New Year (Same day)
Chuseok (the same day)

Mokdong Branch 11:00 21:30
Busan Branch 11:00 21:30
Changwon Branch 11:00 21:30
Cheonan Branch

Monday-Thursday 10:30 20:00
Lunar New Year (Same day)
Chuseok (the same day)

Friday, Saturday 10:30 21:00
Sundays and holidays 10:30 20:30
Ulsan Branch


Chuseok (the same day)

Lunar New Year (Same day) 14:00
Ewha Womans University

Weekdays 9:00 20:00
Sundays and statutory holidays

Saturday 10:00 17:00
Seoul National University Branch

Weekdays 8:30 19:00
Saturday 10:00 17:00
Pohang University of Science and Technology


Semester 10:00 19:00
Saturday, Sunday and statutory holidays

Vacation 10:00 18:00
Jeonbuk Univ.

Weekdays 8:30 19:00
Sundays and statutory holidays

Saturday 10:00 17:00
Sookmyung Women’s Univ.


Weekdays 9:00 18:00
Saturday 10:00 15:00

Weekdays 9:00 18:00
closed on saturday
Gachon Univ.


Weekdays 9:00 19:00
Saturday 10:00 17:00

Weekdays 9:00 18:00
closed on saturday
Sungkyunkwan Univ. 9:00 18:00 Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays
D Cube City
Baro Dream Center

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11:00 21:30

Fri, Sat, Sun 11:00 22:00
Baro Dream Center 10:30 21:30 Lunar New Year (the same day), Chuseok (the same day)
Baro Dream Center

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 10:30 20:00
Lunar New Year (the day), Chuseok (the day) and
Irregular holidays every month

Fri, Sat, Sun 10:30 21:00
Baro Dream Center 10:30 21:00 Lunar New Year (the same day), Chuseok (the same day)
Dong Dae Moon
Baro Dream Center 11:00 23:00 Irregular
Songdo Baro Dream Center

summer season
(May – October)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

10:30 21:00
Lunar New Year (the same day), Chuseok (the same day)

winter season
(November to April) 10:30 20:30
Fri, Sat, Sun (holidays) 10:30 21:00
Baro Dream Center 10:30 22:00 Lunar New Year (Same day), Chuseok (Same day)
Ilsan Branch 10:00 22:00 Lunar New Year (the same day), Chuseok (the same day)
Daejeon Branch 10:30 22:00 Lunar New Year (Same day), Chuseok (Same day)
Gwanggyo Center 11:00 21:00 Lunar New Year (Same day), Chuseok (Same day)
Baro Dream Center 10:30 21:00 Lunar New Year (the same day), Chuseok (the same day)
Department store closed days
(Once a month, holidays are the same)
Centum City Branch 10:30 22:00 Lunar New Year (Same day), Chuseok (Same day)
Department store closed days
(Once a month, holidays are the same)
Baro Dream Center 10:30 22:00 None
Chilgok Center 11:00 21:00 Lunar New Year (Same day), Chuseok (Same day)
Sejong Baro Dream Center 10:30 21:00 Lunar New Year (Same day), Chuseok (Same day)
Cheongnyangni Baro Dream Center

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 10:30 20:00

Fri, Sat, Sun 10:30 20:30
Hapjeong Branch 10:30 22:00 Lunar New Year (the same day), Chuseok (the same day)
Garden Five
Baro Dream Center

Sunday-Thursday 10:30 21:00
Lunar New Year (the same day), Chuseok (the same day)

Friday-Saturday 10:30 22:00
Pyeongchon Branch

Monday-Thursday 10:30 20:00

Friday-Sunday 10:30 20:30
Kyungsung University Pukyong National University Center 11:00 22:00 Lunar New Year (Same Day), Chuseok (Same Day)
Bundang Branch 10:00 22:00 Lunar New Year (Same Day), Chuseok (Same Day)
Gwangju Commercial Center 11:00 21:00 Lunar New Year (Same day), Chuseok (Same day)

If the business hours of the store you are looking for are not available, simply order a book through the online bookstore! If you use the first Yes24 bookstore, you can buy it much faster.


Check Kyobo Bookstore stock!
Stock will be different for each branch of Kyobo Bookstore. In this case, we will tell you how to check. After searching for a book on the Kyobo Book Center site, click Store Inventory and Location.

Then, you can check the inventory of Kyobo Bookstore like this! In addition, if you directly clear the number of stocks at the branch, you will be kindly guided to the location in this way. You don’t have to go into a bookstore to find out where it is, you can find it yourself and visit the store right away.


And if you buy all the books you want, it can be a burden. In that case, don’t bother buying books and borrow them from the library for free. The place I often visit is the COEX bookstore, the Starfield Library. You can take out and read all the books for free, and if you get tired of reading, you can look around and come back. It’s very convenient and I love the bookstore.


It is also highly recommended to visit the Starfield Library in COEX Mall to read books!
I think reading is a very fun activity because it is endless and wide. I haven’t had a chance to read very much these days, but I need to read books again diligently and build up my mind.